Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bubby Sleeping Bags

I had quiet a few friends suggest I make these "Sleeping Bags" a few years ago and Talia has been living in them since she was about 3mths old, as my cousin let me borrow hers (thanks Carolyn! love ya!). So I made some with a tiny opening to fit a "Child car seat buckle" through it. This means you can pick bub up from your babysitter (my mum's after teaching acrobats on a Monday night...) and if they are all "snug-as-a-bug" asleep in their sleeping bag there is no need to wake them up to take them out of it to fit them in the car seat!

Since I have made these, I love using them when I know I'll be transporting bub around during sleep times late at night.

I made a fleecy sleeping bag for winter and I have never got around to taking any photo's of it.

We have had a few very hot summer days lately, so I made a new sleeping bag with the lightest cotton that I had in my scraps. It's not the latest in colour or fabric, but I added on a flower to try and jazz it up a bit....

I struggled using the metal press-stud clasps and hated the fact that I had to use a hammer and wait until Talia woke up until I started hammering away... or that I couldn't use it when everyone has gone to bed, my most productive sewing hours! When I am that close to finishing something, I just want to be able to finish it now, otherwise I might throw it in the corner and forget about it.....
But these are so easy to sew (apart from the clasps) and I made it in an hour!
Cheers Lee-Anne

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