We had our daughters 1st birthday party and it was sooo much fun! She loves the show In The Night Garden (ITNG) and the character "Upsy Daisy" from the show, so we had a Upsy Daisy themed party for her. However, the party decorations were very limited! So I went on a mission to create my own and what a great way to let my imagination go crazy!
Bunting/Preyer FlagsI couldn't find any ITNG or Upsy Daisy material anywhere, so I bought some Size 5 PJ's of EBay for $1.50 and cut them up! Hubby thought I was crazy..... I used some scrap bright fushia pink cotton for the backing and ended up with over 30 flags! Rolled hemmed the edges and done! They looked great and I can't wait to decorate her room with them!
I bought a few sheets of orange and pink cardboard and cut out some large daisy's. On one side I had pictures of the ITNG characters and the other side I put photo's of my daughters milestones throughout her first year. I also used my scrapbooking scraps for some different paper and to write a brief description of her milestone. I'm going to put the daisy's in a scrapbook and with a few more photo's and she has her first year photobook done!
While I was cutting out a heap of Daisy's I kept some to make a Name Banner "1 TALIA 1". I glittered some letters for her name with pink glitter and used orange Rafia to tie them together. I have hung them in her room and she loves waking up looking at them.

I printed a heap of pictures of each of the characters and used them for various decorations. I glued the small round pictures (the size of Cupcake toppers) to the left over orange and pink card and made heaps of circle tags. I glued these to the end of Kebab sticks and we had ITNG Salad & Fruit kebabs, there were a hit with the kidlets. I also did some kebab sticks with daisys on and put them around the garden and the entry way. You can glue the little round cardboard pictures to anything, for example, straws, plastic cups, game prizes, name tags, champagne & wine labels, wine glasses tags, kebab sticks, cake decorations, lolly-pop sticks, party hats, party blowers,favour and lolly bags, blue tack some on the floor to create a path out to the garden (the kids loved looking at these on the floor)... Even make some Daisy toothpicks with a flower hole punch using the scrap cardboard......see pictures below for some idea's.

Ninky Nonk Juice
Every ITNG party needs some Ninky Nonk Juice! Download a picture from the internet and write "Ninky Nonk Juice" and stick this to some fruit punch and eski's!
Welcome Sign
Print out a picture of your childs favourite ITNG characher and write "Welcome to Talia's 1st Birthday party!"
ITNG Games
Here are a few game idea's. You can "Pin the blanket to Iggle Piggle" (we ran out of time to play this one). I cut a heap of red material into squares and photocopied a picture of Iggle Piggle onto A3. I printed out some colouring in "Upsy Daisy & Iggle Piggle Door Hangers" and left them for the kids to colour in, they loved it! You can get this from the BBC website. I gave the kids their own tag each with a different character and their name on the other side, they then had to find their present with their ITNG character on it, it kept them busy for a while.

Here are a few idea's for a kids party and most of them don't need any sewing! You can also apply these to any party theme, as you can get so many pictures from the internet now!
I hope I continue to do this for all my kids future birthdays party's! It was so much fun and they create the perfect party atmosphere. My husband thought I went a bit crazy, but they only have birthday party's once a year, so why not!
Enjoy! Lee-Anne