We had morning tea at work yesterday and I baked some mudcake muffins and cappacino cupcakes with a meringue topping. I used my cupcake stand and I forgot to take a photo, it looked awesome! But managed to take a pic of 2 cupcakes before John demolised them!
Here are some of the pressies I have recieved, some boots from my sis, cupcake stand from my mother-in-law(pic above), mixer from John & Talia.
I also had a wonderful card made from Talia at daycare yesterday. It's the first hand & footprints that we have of her. Thank Nicole & Jess! I did try once when she was really little, but ended up with paint everywhere and no prints....
Morning tea with Nikki at McCafe, I hopped out of the shower this morning and turned around and there was Angel sitting in the wet shower!, also some pics of mummy & Talia. The most memorable thing today was having a dance with Talia to playschool...... our own little moment....
As my parents are RVing around USA, I told mum I'd keep her updated on Talia on my blog. Here she is crawling around on the weekend. She is now standing up and desperately grabbing onto anything she can pull herself up on!
Love Lee