Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Website Look!

Hi all, I can't believe how fast the last 6 months have flown by! A big thanks to everyone who has still been checking in every now and again. I had all good intentions to keep my blog updated while on Maternity Leave with Talia, but the days just seem to be pre-occupied with "gooogooogooo & gaagaagaaaa"and while she is alseep I tend to just sew like crazy!

I have been sewing quiet a lot and have a heap to post. I'm also in the middle of pricing some pieces to put on my "Etsy" site in a week.

Here is a sneak peak of one of the most beautiful dresses I have sewn, for a friends daughter highschool ball! Keep posted for some more pics showing the detail and back, it's just gorgeous! I hope you had a great time Ciara.
Our bubby girl is doing great and now rolling like crazy! She loves rolling in her cot and talking to her cute cow made by my cousin-in-law, Kate Henderson,Two Little Banshees. Thanks Kate, she loves it! Lee-Anne

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hi Lee - Evie just saw Tali and got so excited and was yelling baby, baby! Talia is adorable!